Friday, 14 November 2014

Study task - Play, play, play

> DESIGN PROJECT - ideas as well as image making

1. Just image
2. Type and image
3. Type - letterform/typography


>Work as a series
>Brief is type, not handwriting

GIVEN WORD - CHECK - list of words with different meanings of check
Started by making a list of words which defined the meaning of check, I tried to come up with as many as possible so my work wasn't too obvious or clichéd. The first roughs I came up with was the check pattern, as I personally enjoy creating detailed and aesthetic pattern work with simple shapes (in this case line).

ROUGHS - check typography - checkered print & checkmate 

ROUGHS - image - checkmate & getting checked out

ROUGHS - image & text - asking for the bill (cheque please)

I enjoyed this brief a lot more than the previous, as I had a lot more different themes to work with, I wasn't just restricted to one idea. Because of this I could draw a far more varied visual subjects, from pattern work to human figure. I found it a lot easier to produce a larger range of roughs to that of the previous, which in turn increased the validity of my group crit feedback. Now I am glad that I learnt from the previous brief how important creating roughs are, as I feel that my ideas are stronger and far more clear.



The feedback gave me a clearer understanding of what to do for my final illustrations in terms of style and subject matter. I find these group crits really useful, this is because getting another person's opinion on your work is refreshing, as they can pick out something that you may have missed or might have thought was a good idea but really might be too obvious. 

MORE ROUGHS - adding check element to each piece to have double meaning of check in each illustration 

IDEA EXPANDING - czech/check

CHECK IT OUT - line drawing of check for each illustration background - adding another element of check to
each of the images




Overall I really enjoyed this project, which surprised me as I didn't like the previous two briefs because I struggle a lot with creating an inventive narrative to my work. But I think because I personally liked the word I was given and could come up with many different themes that I could experiment with. I especially think that the check worked really well with each illustration, as it made it clearer what word was that I was trying to convey. Im also pleased with the craft in the check pattern, as the lines are all equal and straight so adds to the aesthetics of the piece as well as making the three illustrations work well as a series. This was the main positive point that I was given from my feedback sheet.
Although, if I were to do this again, I would redo my typography illustration, as it is quite hard to read the words which I realised after I finished cutting it and was pointed out a lot in my feedback. I think I tried to make it easier for myself by using less pieces but my laziness becomes evident as a final outcome which I am frustrated with.  I also would redo the lettering in the type and image illustration, as my feedback said that it was too much like handwriting and the cut off letters wasn't very successful. I agree with this, as I tried to make it look like it was a section of a map, but in reflection I think it would of looked better if you could see the whole word. 
Apart from some aspects of my final outcome, I think this brief was the most successful, as I am developing my skills more through each project, learning through my mistakes.


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