Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Small Brief - Penguin Random House - Book 1 - Process

I think the best way to actually create my book cover is on illustrator, as I am using block shapes. If I had more time I would like to screen print, but annoyingly I can't see myself having any unless I stop sleeping but I would like to keep that luxury. But from my new love of waccom tablets spawned from using them in the last project, I had got one for Christmas and I am very excited to use it. So just keeping it to vectors isn't the end of the world, plus it means I know it won't be pixilated when it comes to submission.

I used drawings that I had scanned in (shown in previous blog post) to trace, creating the vectored objects. Another thing that's good about using vectors is that I can easily move the objects around to see what area the work best in, as well as changing the colours, which is very practical. 

Annoyingly this is the only picture I took during the process, which I always do when I work on illustrator as I seem to get lost in the computer...

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