Tuesday, 19 April 2016

OUIL505 Packaging Day 2 - Research

After the feedback, I went back to the layout of my box. I was a bit stuck of what information needs to go on it, so I had a google:

I found it surprisingly hard to find packaging that showed the back as well as the front, but luckily I found these two. The Simpson's top trumps were useful, as it showed what goes on the back of a normal top trumps packet. And the Cards against humanity was also a good find because it's a satirical card game like mine, so took a spin on what a normal pack of cards would have on the back. 

I'm also glad I found this, because it will help me think about my distribution of my own cards! So I looked to see where they sell them. I found out that it's mainly online like Amazon and eBay, as well as having their own online shop.  I went on their online shop to see if they sell anything else other than the cards to see if this could help with my own application. But the only thing they sell that isn't the original pack of cards themselves are expansion packs, so annoyingly it wasn't that useful for me. 

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