I found the feedback session helpful, it was good for some different opinions on my work as I feel like i've been looking at it for so long it's easy to overlook things. It has also been useful to see how other people have approached and presented the briefs that they have chosen. It has made me realise that I really don't develop my initial ideas enough and just jump into creating a final image which could have been so much better if I took longer to think about it. I also need to put my work into context instead of just illustrations in a folder, as much as I like them and I'm happy with most of them, they're not applied to anything (minus the stickers and election posters).
6A3: Research -
>Illustrate a specific article/news story and then put your illustration into that context
>Change the subject matter - doesn't have to necessarily be focused on Trump or even politics - what else am I interested in?
6B3: Problem Analysis -
>Choose an article which may be more sensitive and see how i can go about attempting it - I'm used to satiring everything, how would I go about a different tone of voice?
>Try and explore formats - full page spread, spot illustration - how does it fit in an article?
>Try digital? - in the editorial world there's a quick turn around - i can produce my work a lot faster if it was done digitally. Even if it doesn't work at least I have tried.
6C3:Visual Quality -
>Digital Experiment - how does working digitally effect the way my work looks aesthetically?
>More roughs to improve compositions - but this has already been brought to my attention and I am now doing more roughs
6C4: Technical Competence -
>Mastered gouache
>Place work in context - where does my work go??
6D3: Evaluation -
>Make sure blog is up to date
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