I'm a bit annoyed at myself really, I had managed to complete my target of doing one of these a week up until my christmas trump illustration. This determination seemed to disappear in January. Although we did have COP3 hand in which seemed to take over my life for a strong two weeks, I could have kept this up if I tried harder, which is frustrating. From now on this will never happen again!!!!
This is my first illustration since Trump has been in power, although I told myself I don't want to be known to be the Trump illustrator, I felt like it was necessary for this weeks affair.
How could I not do my weekly affair on Trump when this is in the news...
I just couldn't resist, getting my inspiration from a well known romantic scene
I have NO idea why I made the background purple it should be blue it would work far better with the orange top!! I also should have worked more with darker lines around the nuke clay sculpture to emphasis it more. But apart from that I quite like this illustration, I particularly like the likeness of the figures, you can tell who it is straight away. I also like the nuke in the image, I think it gives it more context rather than them just sharing a romantic moment. I would want to rework this image to make it stronger.