Saturday, 21 November 2015

About the Author - Design 2 (part two)

After knowing how to improve the first design, it made it a lot easier when vectorising my second design, for example, saving my work as an illustrator file instead of just a jpeg. But I still had problems.

After a fair few hours of vectorising, I thought it would be a good idea to turn it into the colours I had chosen and place them together to see how successful my screen print would be. I'm so glad I did this because it helped me pick out a fair few floors with this. So I printed it off and scribbled over it.

I just thought that it still needed something. Some areas were too messy or just not neat enough to have as a final print as they look a bit rushed. So I went back onto photoshop and tried again.

I added more detail the second time round and refined the shapes a lot more which really polished it off.  The cream colour I made the background is too yellow, but at least thats just a tester so I know I shouldn't use paper that yellow. Excited to see how this turns out!!!

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