Thursday, 19 November 2015

About the Author - Design Improvements

After the screen print workshop, I knew that I had to make changes to my first design, so I wrote it down.

What else to put in?
>More writing? - quotes I like from the book/ the most relevant quotes
>Stephen Fry - narrator of the film and audio tape
> Circles worked well, so maybe fill more of the empty space with circles
>Use negative space more
>Have an even balance of colour

So I put my old designs back onto photoshop to see what I could do. Annoyingly though, I had them as jpegs and for some stupid and very annoying reason didn't have illustrator files so I couldn't move any individual layers. GREAT
After staring blankly at the screen for a few minutes, I thought I could just draw on top using one of the photoshop brushes to add to it and use the rubber to create more white areas! It all seems so obvious now! However, I had never used a wacom tablet before, so I was kind of terrified. But, I thought that it was about time that I should, probably being one of the only people on my course who hadn't used one before. So I just went for it





I'm happy with the improvements of this design. The purple layer has more going on, the simple outlined shapes now have different thicknesses and patterns running through them, adding an element of wackiness which is very fitting to the author. It just creates a far more pleasing experience for the person looking at the work I think because there's a lot more going on to take in. It also balances out the colours a lot more which I think was one of the main faults in my first design. I really excited to see how this turns out in screen print!!!! 

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