Thursday, 5 May 2016

OUIL505 Final Crit

After the megacrit it was really nice seeing what everyone had produced, especially as everyone has gone so far from last year it's crazy! I didn't find the feedback incredible helpful because I had already printed my final stuff so already knew what I was doing. But it was nice to see that people really like what I've done which is great.

After having the group peer feedback today (which I usually find more useful than megacrits), it helped me think about where I could distribute my product. They came up with:
>Joke shops
>Forbidden Planet
>Urban Outfitters

I found this useful, as I wasn't quite sure of where to place my cards and all the rest of the merchandise because they're too satirical for places that sell normal top trumps i.e. Wilkinsons. I have never heard of Magma so I think I should probably google.

I naturally clicked on the tag 'Trump games', and turns out they sell top trumps! Well trumps because they aren't created my 'Top Trumps'. I think my cards definitely can have a place here! As well as the rest of the merch that comes with it t-shirts, badges etc. Although they don't seem to push the satirical boundary which mine do, but they're still definitely not your bog standard trumps. The company 'Magma' seem to be pretty big online which I think would be good for my products, as this means people in the U.S could also find and buy my products.

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