Participants - 27
(29 but two answers were unusable due to irrelevant content)
What is your gender?
Female - 17
Male - 10
Where do you currently get your news from?
Online - 21
Newspapers - 0
Magazines - 0
TV - 3
Friends/Family - 1
Not interested - 0
Other - Twitter, Reddit, Radio - 3
Which topics in the news are you most interested in?
Business - 4
Politics - 17
Technology - 9
Science - 9
Health - 9
Education - 10
Entertainment & Arts - 20
Other - Fashion, Celebrity/TV Gossip - 2
One a scale from 1(being least) to 10 (being most) how engaging do you find the sources that you get your news from?
Average Number - 7
Do you feel like the news speaks to the people in your generation? Why?
No answers - 16
> Not engaging enough
> Critique generations style of activism
> Trying to engage our generation by using memes and 'slang' so comes across as trying too hard.
> Apart from social media, the news isn't aimed at my generation.
> Generally not, particularly politics.
> They try, clickbaits and videos on fb so you're just spoonfed news, not very healthy.
> I feel like the news is targeted at an older audience, not engaging.
> The language/jargon used within mainstream news channels isn't always easy to digest, making it hard to understand, and why stuff like Brexit happened.
> No - because it's filtered
> No, it's catered to people with the like mindest of Rupert Murdoch.
> I never feel as if news articles disclose how problems/changes etc will affect me or the society I live in
> Unnecessarily complicates political issues and news stories and this alienates people in my generation from being more engaged
> Sources such as the BBC are speaking to an increasingly narrow post-Brexit audience
> Local BBC radio station often aims their news stories towards an older generation.
> I feel that it could be better in explaining some confusing issues to younger people
> Most people of my generation struggle to engage with the news because of the people who predominately write it- white, middle aged men
> dont go into depth to talk to those involved and get an in depth coverage
Yes answers - 10
> Yes - It is a generation accustomed to 24 hour news, and dependent on it.
> More so than previously
> For me, it depends on the site/locality of the news and the audience they're aiming for. A website like Vice is trying to aim towards a younger audience
> Yes.
> Some of it does - news posted on social media seems to be more directed to people in our generation.
> Yes. i think for my generation, as with many before, even if people don't want it to, news speaks to everyone to some extent as its inescapable: a radio on in the background, newspaper front pages in the shop, facebook, small talk, overheard small talk etc. Like it or loathe it, everybody's creating their own opinions about news stories they vaguely know something about, even if they don't really want to care about any of it... its just human nature
> Online does, Twitter etc mean you can choose the news you access
> Through the internet it definitely does. Young people are actually taking an interest in what's going on in the world now that news is more accessible
> Yes, as we are the ones who are part of a changing society, in our attitudes and how we want things to be run. We are the most likely to experience the effects of the recent changes most directly because of our age group, so the news would always concern us in some way.
> I think our generation are a lot more involved with news because of social media platforms spreading it, so whether or not people want to hear about it they are doing
Which subject matters do you think aren't covered enough in the news? Why?
> Non-western countries/Countries not associated with ours - 6
> Arts industry - 4
> Scientific discoveries and technological advancements.
> The environment - 2
> Positive news
> Healthcare and poverty
> Specific financial or political terms
> Race
> Non-professional sports
> Academia
> Modern slavery and human trafficking
> Science and Religion - 2
> Parenting
> Mental Health - 4
> Education (specifically student fees)
Do you feel it is important for your generation to get involved in current affairs? Why?
Yes - 24
No - 2