Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Survey thoughts on results

Q.2 Where do you currently get your news from?
My thoughts - Most people said they got their news online, and none at all said newspaper or magazine. This has surprised me. I thought there would be more saying that they got their news from a more physical source. This has made me think that my work should maybe be more online if that's where my generation are looking at to get their news. Or maybe I could go the other way, and produce physical products for news to become more engaging? 

Q.3 Which topics in the news are you most interested in?
My thoughts - Entertainment & Arts and Politics were the most popular topics of interest. Although I'm not sure if I should strictly stick to politics because this is what I've been focusing on maybe for a bit too long. So maybe more social issues or interests is better, especially as entertainment & arts was the most popular. 

Q.4 One a scale from 1(being least) to 10 (being most) how engaging do you find the sources that you get your news from?
My thoughts - 7 was the average score on this question. I personally don't find the news that engaging, only on social media really. This was said by a few others on the next question, so I think this does need to be addressed. 

Q.5 Do you feel like the news speaks to the people in your generation? Why?
My thoughts - More people said no rather than yes to this question. Most of the YES answers said it was because of social media that made it appealing or online in general. The NO answers generally say that they over complicate it making it hard to understand. So this has made me think how I can put my work on social media as this seems to be a successful platforms for young people and try and make it as simplistic as I can for everyone to understand. 

Q. 6 Which subject matters do you think aren't covered enough in the news? Why?
My thoughts - Non-western countries, the art industry and mental health were the three biggest subject matters which people thought aren't covered enough in the news. These three topics could be themes that I could use to make me stand out from other news sources. 

Q.7 Do you feel it is important for your generation to get involved in current affairs? Why?
My thoughts - All but two people said yes to this statement and to be honest I'm surprised that not everyone said yes because I can't understand how someone can't think that it's important for us to get involved! But I asked this question just to make sure that people do want to know about current affairs and I wasn't doing something that no one would be interested in. 

I'm glad that I did this survey, I feel like I now have a better understanding of where my work could go and the subject matters I can start exploring. Also I know that my generation are interested in learning and understanding what is happening, and that's very reassuring. 

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