Thursday, 23 February 2017

Frank Ocean - Sierra Leone - Development

After doing the album artwork for the Illustration 12" brief, I decided to do another Frank Ocean song. This is because I surprisingly really enjoyed doing it because I like the artist a lot and of course like creating artwork, so the two go together quite well. I think I'm going to make this into a brief and do as many of his songs as I can.

When it came to the development, I was a bit stuck with it at first. I had loads of colours that I wanted in my head from listening to the song, lots of warm sunset like colours. I know the song is about a made up story about him being a father way too young and he isn't ready yet, so wanted to work with that. I think I was stuck on wanting to have a big sun (a word and theme which seems to come up a lot in the song) with the shadow in the water being in the shape of a woman/pregnant woman. But after I kept drawing it it just didn't look right.

So I took a break from that and had another look at the lyrics - "Just ran outta Trojans, horses gallop to her throne" -  this lyric always stood out to me, I like the rhythm of how it's sung and how the two sentences are linked together. Then I began to draw horses  (which are one of the HARDEST things ever to draw). I wanted something simple with simple shape work, so just draw horses galloping? With the big sun in the background?? Simple.

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