Wednesday, 1 February 2017


On reflection of my previous modules and what subjects I enjoyed and excelled in the most, I would like to explore a combination of editorial and publication. Editorial is what I have been exploring at the start of this module and publication is an interest stemming from COP3. I also think that if I want to go into editorial, then the best kind of briefs for me would be quick turn around briefs as this would be similar to the line of work I’m interested in, making good practice. Regarding context, I want my illustrations to be informative and possibly educational to people in my age group (18-25) who may not have an interest in current affairs.

I want this module to keep me drawing and be an active illustrator rather than having to create work every now and again. I want to be pushed by deadlines and specifications to get me to the highest point I can be as an illustrator.

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