Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Commission (2) - Final image

I am really pleased with how this turned out!! Especially as I didn't really have a clue of what I was going to produce at the beginning which is weird for me because I almost always have a few ideas straight away. I am so happy with the colours in this illustration, I know pink is something that I use maybe a bit too much, but it works so well with the sludgy green of Jabba the Trump and red spot colours.
I'm just a bit worried about how the girl will feel about it because it isn't exactly what she asked me to do and it's another film reference illustration so I don't know if it is exactly what she wants so this is a bit of a risk. At least it isn't a total waste of my time if she doesn't like it because I'm really happy to have this illustration in my portfolio, which is really important at this stage. But to be honest I think it still communicates what the article is about so it should all be cool beans.

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