Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Last weekly affair - anxiety - Tishk Barzanji

I found this artist on it's nice that and I love it. Initially I was drawn to the illustration itself, I love the pastel colours and the interesting composition and i always get drawn to illustrations with lovely lighting. I wanted to know more about the work so I read the article that went with it and I'm so glad I did!
The artist talks about his battle with anxiety and how he wanted to show the human side of isolation and anxiety. There's nothing more reassuring for something with anxiety to hear that others have suffered with it and how they overcome it how that came about. And this is the first time I've come across an illustrator that has had anxiety and how it effects their work. It's made me think how important it is for your work to be personal, because it can make people that don't even know you connect to it and that's so powerful. 

I wish I created more personal work like this this year, because I only did one editorial and I suppose my fmp was personal but only culturally. Although just because my degree is over very soon, it doesn't mean I don't have time to do it! My practice doesn't stop here!

(if you have time read the article it's amazing)

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