Friday, 12 May 2017


I got my packaging printed a few days ago, but when I made my print into a concertina and put it together the packaging the width was like 2mm too short and the height was also too short by like 20mm! I really don't want to cut my print to make it fit because I think it would just end up looking messy and just shit. 

So I went back and reprinted my packaging and made it bigger, which I was a bit apprehensive about because of my printing on Thursday wasn't exactly a smooth ride and ended up accidentally spending a bomb. BUT YES it only took me one try to get it printed! So glad that I finally don't have to battle with the printer again... And now my print fits perfectly in with my packaging! Like it actually fits like a glove I'm so happy with how it turned out in the end! Because stuff like measurements never go right for me (as previously shown). And even the little flaps at the side slip perfectly into the concertina so when you open the packaging you can also flick through like a normal book (refer to top picture).

I am so happy with how it all turned out!!!! It's completely different to anything I have ever produced in all of my three years ever! I'm really glad to have finished in this way and not producing something that I was half arsed about, it's like I went out with a bang! I can't wait to go out and show people my book!

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