Saturday, 14 March 2015

Shape & Texture

>Texture adds tone of voice

  • Iro Tsavala
>Compliments shape
>Soften hard forms
>Create tone and light
>Describes the hand of it's maker

  • Eric Carle - The Hungry Caterpillar!
cut out
>Using busy mark-making with pens to create interesting textures and combining this with simple white shape. Using contrast compliments the elements, making them stand out more.

cut out
>This one is my favourite, because I like how I used relevant found materials to produce the texture for the cut out. Putting together busy textures with really simple shapes makes them stand out so much more and creates an aesthetically pleasing composition.

brusho collage
>First time ever using brusho -  I thought it was about time I tried something new! Although it is incredibly messy, I like how it creates a different result each time you use it and creates a business to what would be quite a dull composition otherwise. However, I don't think it works as well for this, as the collage I chose to put on top doesn't contrast enough with the colour of the brusho, so blends into the background which I am disappointed with.

>Not really sure what came over me when I painted this. Probably angst and rebellion against being forced to only work with shape and texture, so I went off the grid and did the complete opposite.
>Many apologise for this random outburst, it won't happen again.

>I thought I'd put this on my blog because it is possibly the worst thing that I have ever created. Nothing really fits together properly which makes it almost impossible to work out what it's meant to be. I think where I went wrong is that I didn't properly mark out where the pieces where meant to go, so everything is too separated out and a bit all over the place. The colours and textures also don't work together, apart from the orange and blue they don't compliment at all!

character collage
>For this I thought I'd try something new and something I've avoided so far - character making! I thought it was about time I'd get out of my hole and make something a bit more fun. Especially as the task is texture and shape I thought it was the perfect timing for it. I surprised myself as I quite enjoyed making these, experimenting with proportion and texture to create these Native american people. I think that this is definitely something that I need to do more in the future, experimenting with how you use basic shapes to communicate facial expressions and objects.

I enjoyed this task of shape and texture, as I think it was a turning point for me. After I did my watercolour breakdown tantrum it made me realise that I've been stuck in this bubble of just doing the same thing and that doesn't necessarily create good results. In future work I am going to explore new materials and processes a lot more to see how certain things affect mood and communication. 

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