Thursday, 27 April 2017

Front cover outcomes

Initial painting
This is the unedited version of the gouache painting that I did for my front cover design. I really liked the initial design that I drew out, but after I've painted it I'm really not sure... The type just looks really flat and I think it ruins the whole thing. I was planning on doing some editing on photoshop anyway, so I had little revamp to try and improve. 

I couldn't improve my painted type it was just too shit. So I had a look on font site and found a neon sign type that I thought would fit best to the design that I originally had in my head. It's a shame because I really wanted to try and do hand written type but it just didn't work out I suppose. There was still something I didn't quite like about it, so I kept at it.

To be honest the only difference here is that I changed the blue strip at the top to pink, because there was too much blue already so wanted a change. I like it more than before, but something still isn't quite right. I think that because I liked the front covers of the other books so much that I have that expectation in my mind, which I suppose isn't necessarily a bad thing, because I want it to be one of the best illustrations I've produced, especially as it's the front cover of my fmp. I think I might redo this because I'm not overly happy with it. 

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