Friday, 28 April 2017

Front Cover REDO

I was looking at the front cover that I created compared to the covers that I liked during my research and mine was just shit in comparison. Well like it was okay, but not good enough, especially at this stage I don't really see the point of having work that I'm not buzzing about. Also it's the first thing that people are going to see, so it needs to be amazing! 

I went back to the covers through the Nobrow website that inspired me originally and thought what makes these so successful? 

The main elements that I got from these were the use of layers and objects overlapping and creating clever colour changes. This is what I NEED to include in my cover to make it a stronger illustration! I also hated the type on my other cover so this is something that needs improvement also. 

This is my final design that I drew up after doing a few rough sketches. I think that this will be a lot better than the first design because the content is similar to the big illustration, creating more fluidity between the two. I think this definitely one of the reasons why I didn't like my previous design, I don't think that you could tell it was meant to be the cover for that big illustration. There's also more going on, which makes the composition more exciting to look at compared to the previous. 

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