Thought processes:
>It seems that animals and their personality traits are used mostly in children's films to show messages, originally in fabels but now more so in disney and pixar films.
>Can they be used to give children that don't/won't understand current affairs a better understanding?
>Could be used to show satire?
>But, the best way that I could do this is to make a book - which is something that I really don't enjoy doing and seeing as the point of applied illustration is to do what you love, it would be a terrible idea.
>But, I could make a product for children to still help explain current affairs using animals??? - figures?
>This means that I can finally explore clay properly, which I've been wanting to do on this course for ages!
>Possible animals for Trump? -pig, vulture, croc, snake, piranha, rhino, wolf, moose
>The idea of mascots- what would you want your team/company to show?
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