Tuesday, 23 February 2016

OUIL505 - Editorial?

After having a tutorial, I was guided into doing editorial, which terrifies me. This is because after doing it once last year and epically failing, I've managed to avoid it since. I also have struggled with giving my work a context instead of it just looking nice. But! I will concur this! So this is quite a big project to give myself and I really want to pull this off.

So I need to get researching into editorial artists

The New Yorker is somewhere that I think what I've currently done would fit quite well. I wanted to see if they had anyone that had already done something with Donald Trump - knowing that I would find something as he is very relevant right now. I wanted to see how they went about doing it, not seeing it as competition, but observing the styles. The bottom uses object, something that I am interested in using in my own work. This makes me feel more confident, as they've just used the object and white background, so doesn't necesarrily have to have a busy background and composition for it to be successful. Whereas the top is a full image and uses humour to show Donald Trump's intentions for the U.S. I think I will take the humour from the top image and the use of object from the bottom as an inspiration for my own work.

Tang Yau Hoong


I'm not sure if this artist is the approach that I would like to do for my own work, as I would like to include 3D. But I think it is amazing. I would love for these to by my own, they're just so clever. I like how it's clear that they've been well thought out, which is what I want my own work to be like. The way that they have used negative space is so clever, thinking carefully about shape and colour. This is something that I too need to think about, as this draws the attention of the audience. I want someone to look at what I've created and be like 'wow that's amazing how did she do it?', I would love for someone to have the same response to what I had to these pieces.

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