Monday, 22 February 2016

OUIL505 Trump development

I had decided to focus on politics as the subject for my illustrations, so started with the character that I thought would be the easiest to turn into an animal, as well as being the most spoken about right now - Trump

I thought a pig would match him best, with the weird pink skin and greedy personality. So I drew a load of pigs, then trumps, then combined. I find this the easiest way to draw things out, because if I have a good understanding of how to draw two different things then it's a lot easier to then merge them together.

I then painted my sketches, which I think works really well. Although I used gouache which I'm really confident with, this isn't the style I ever work in. I think it reflects Trump as well as looking good as a composition.

Then I wondered if I could take it one step further, and turn my drawings into 3D... I had done it before with my tiger drawings at the beginning of the project, but this will be a lot harder. I do want to improve on my ceramic sculptural skills though, because although I have used ceramics before, I haven't really done many proper 3D models.

The result? I was so happy with how this first model came out! It's a bit clumpy, but I think you can tell who the figure is meant to represent as well as it being clear what the animal is. I'm not sure how I can use this if I use this material later in the project for my finals - would I just photograph it with a background or just by itself?? would I make them bigger?? I'm going to bring up these questions in my crit tomorrow and hopefully will be solved

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