Friday, 12 February 2016

Responsive Collaboration - Third meet up

Annoyingly, I was ill on the day we agreed to meet on, so my team went on without me and experimented with creating some nets that we could possibly use.

They found out that they're actually a lot harder to make then what they initially thought. They decided to try out interesting shaped nets as we agreed before that all existing packaging was pretty samey. But this made them realise that all the packaging is in a square or rectangle because they're the easiest to stack (which these ones they created aren't) so maybe we do need to follow the crowd in this aspect. 

So they then came up with having a deep(ish) plastic tray (the plastic being one of the plant produced plastics that I researched) where the fish is, with a thin cellophane on top that you tear off. In an ideal world, this would then be it, but it isn't practical for shops as the cellophane would collapse and fish would be everywhere which isn't nice. So this will then be in a cardboard box with a shape cut out on top. This is the plan anyway. 

We then met up as a full team on Friday 

We started to think about what actually is going to go onto the box. Because they've literally given us nothing to work with - no box information or content or anything - we interpreted this as us needing to come up with our own flavours. So we created a mind map of what usually goes onto food packaging. 

Then we went onto creating 3 different fish flavour ideas, using our own understanding of food and with some help from the internet. This makes me think that the brief is a bit weird. Why give creatives a task with coming up with different fish combinations, but we did it anyway.

But it was quite fun to do, even if it did make us all quite hungry. I think that we all thought we were top chefs coming up with these culinary possibilities, but seeing as this isn't our field I thought we did pretty well. Now we need to think about how the packaging design will look like. 

So we decided to do some more mark making, this time thinking more about the crispiness, as this is one of the key features of the new fish. I thought it would be a good idea to create some rubbings, see what kind of textures they made. We went around uni and outside to collect these marks, and I thought they were quite successful as they look like crispy batter. I'm not too sure how we can use these, maybe as a brush on photoshop or a background over lay? 

We were also very organised and went down to the print dungeon and got a printing slot for our packaging, to give ourselves a day that we know we had to be ready by. Hopefully this will make us super organised with our time scale! 

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