Thursday, 25 February 2016

Substantial brief - Secret 7 - Dream 3

I admit, I have ignored Secret 7 for a few weeks and had been focusing on the penguin books instead which is still responsive so I'm not slacking!
Also the rest of the songs had kind of flattened me out, I wasn't getting any inspiration out of any of them really. It had become a lot harder than I anticipated...

Instead of ignoring it, which isn't really an option seeing as the deadline is coming up on my fast, I decided that I should take one or two days to do the remaining album covers.

I did like dream 3. I like how it doesn't have any lyrics so the artwork is purely a visual interpretation of the atmosphere it creates. It made me feel peaceful, so the colours blue came to mind. I also wanted to show stillness and complete tranquility. Tranquility always reminds me of the moon, how quiet it must be up there, so I knew I wanted to somehow include this into my artwork. But it also reminded me of a calm sea with the stillness, so not sure if I could combine these two elements?

I then had a brainwave through doing roughs, of a man fishing in the calm sea for the moon.

I drew it out 

Then vectorised it! I think working in vectors is quite good for this project, because it means that pixilation will not be a problem for submission! 

I'm actually quite pleased with how this turned out, because I think you can tell what song it relates to as it gives an aura of peace. Although I suppose you could argue that the moon is an obvious choice for this song so it isn't very inventive, but I don't think any other object would work as well. 

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